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Working from home might stick forever!

When you were a boyfriend before you were 20, you would go visit your girlfriend and stay for hours and hours and do so every day you could, if it was every day better and if it was twice a day even better. The truth is that you and your girlfriend were happy, but that feeling was not necessarily shared in a generalized way by all the members of the family. There was always the mother-in-law and her sudden bad face, the sister-in-law who was sometimes nice and other times not, and the younger brother who was always playing and arriving at the wrong time in the living room. Does the story sound familiar?

These situations when an invader arrives in the intimate spaces of the family generate some discomfort and confront people with their realities, beliefs and ability to self-regulate. If they do not regulate themselves they can end up kicking out the son-in-law and ruining the day or the courtship of the daughter and who knows what else. The story could be endless and with valid variants for each case.

Let me tell you something, your son-in-law left at some point or is going to leave, if you are currently going through that situation. Either because he ends the relationship with your daughter or marries her, but you will not have to see him as much. A well-deserved rest for everyone. Surely it was not so pleasant for him to see all of you every day or maybe it was, but there everyone had their interests and handled the situation in the best way possible.

The big difference is that teleworking is never going to go away and it has also come to make your intimate spaces and moments uncomfortable in various aspects. Teleworking confronts us with our family reality and the ability to adapt and self-regulate, just like that boyfriend. In addition, for those for whom going out to work was therapeutic, that therapy is over.

Now, the house must welcome this intruder who came to stay. Each inhabitant of the house is getting their respective dose of this new boyfriend. This new boyfriend brought everyone back home, there may be more than one intruder in your home. Will it be me? Yes, suddenly it's you, or your partner, or your son or daughter; in addition to teleworking.

We are all being tested and everything has a solution. There may be radical or incremental solutions. Returning home has increased the statistics for depression, insomnia, abuse, anxiety, divorce and pregnancy. There is everything. In the US alone, the consumption of antidepressants increased by 600% last year. Teleworking is directly related because of those additional hours we spend at home every day, 6 to 8 hours are dedicated to work or study.

It is a fact that times have changed, in 2020 more than ever. That means that we, all of us, must also make a great change or adaptation. The being, the knowledge and the doing of each one of us must adapt. And to be effective in teleworking, the infrastructure, spaces, equipment, accessories, temperature, noise, independence and interaction must also be adapted, to mention a few.

We know that it is a challenge for everyone. Claudia and I have received several requests to help company staff better manage this situation. The topics of particular interest are attitude, time management, technological tools such as software that facilitates it or everything in general.

Teleworking is not going to go away like that boyfriend from one season. He is here to stay. Some say that companies that do not invest at least 10% in technology will be left behind, it could be a good comparison. How much are you investing in yourself to make this adjustment? At least of your time, how much are you investing? Be intentional and take advantage of many talks and videos, many of them free, all available on the internet. We produced some of them in our Neuroshots program on IVOOX (only in Spanish). It is better to ride the tide than swim against it!

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