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The law of reflection

If any law of Growth has left its mark on me, it is the Law of Reflection. This Law has something special. This Law allowed me to identify and initiate an effective system of personal growth and development that was easy, fast, and with immediate results that encouraged me to continue making the effort.

This law is the fourth one that John Maxwell sets out in his book The 15 Indispensable Laws of Growth. Of course, I recommend reading the book, and those who are committed to their personal development should consider taking our in-person or online course, but keep reading and finish before making any decision. Reflection helped me to get on track and become aware of having greater control over my life and with better results. Would you like something similar?

Well, let me tell you why this law was key and why it has had such a great impact on me so far. First of all, this law applied simply is an excellent start for personal development. Personal development can cover a large number of topics and initiatives that one may have the tendency or desire to put into practice when they are learned. That can become overwhelming, it is too much. And personal growth and development is not an intense short-term race; rather, it is more like a marathon that lasts the rest of your life. With calm and good technique, you will reach the end with a good chance of winning. It is a lifestyle. For this, what I recommend is to start with something simple and easily applicable starting today and that is reflection.

The law of Reflection allows you to achieve simple short-term goals that will reinforce the creation of good habits, which are the key to improving and strengthening your character. That is the solid foundation of any true change. For example, I suffer from hypertension and every day I have to take my pill at 8:00 am and 8:00 pm, that is, one pill every 12 hours. Not having a set time and having the mental burden of forgetting to take the pill, was causing me to waste energy and making me uncomfortable having to do that. Thanks to some reflection, I became aware that defining a fixed time to take this pill was going to free my mind of this burden and uncertainty. And so it was. It may seem silly, simple, obvious; it doesn't matter, everything counts, everything counts and everything adds up.

The great smallness of being aware of the importance of taking my pill at a fixed time every day reduced my uncertainty, prevented me from wasting energy on a trivial issue, benefited my health, freed my mind of that burden and allowed my attitude to improve every day. In the end, this had an impact on my productivity because the energy I was spending on that I now use on something that is much more worthwhile. If this reflection helped my day increase its productivity by one tenth of a percent (0.1%) and I can make this gain tangible from that day forward, you can already imagine the accumulated effects of doing a reflection like this every day of the year, what if you do two, hahaha, don't be ambitious, start with one. You can definitely achieve results that you can't even imagine today given the accumulated effect of this small effort. You can improve a lot and indefinitely, there is no limit.

I can share with you some of my most compelling results, beyond the one I already used in the previous example. Thanks to the law of Reflection I was able to combat and overcome the insomnia due to anxiety that I suffered from for many years. I was also able to eliminate my feeling and face of annoyance that I generated thinking about some issues that I didn't know how to channel properly with people I loved and cared about who were in my environment. As a result, I now enjoy my days more and I am certainly more pleasant to the people around me, because I already have a better attitude. Since I started doing daily reflections, I have not stopped. Every day I take 25 minutes to reflect and learn from my day and apply it to my life. How can I stop if my life is improving day by day at a cost almost equal to zero? That is a treasure.

Although the Law of Reflection is not a shield against the evils of life, it is the best medicine to quickly get you out of any crossroads that end up being reflected in your emotional state. And that means more health and life for you and your loved ones from now on. Voilà, there it is, this is the impressive law of Reflection.

Advice: This law does not work alone, adopt it decisively and you will see definitive changes, start today.

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