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Starting Over

Updated: Dec 18, 2021

The ghost that almost every entrepreneur must face at some point in his career is to start over, bankruptcy and recovery. Even more than once, if it's two or three or five times it wouldn't be weird. A very similar ghost is confronted by the employee when he loses his job. However, employment or work is to some extent recoverable in a shorter time.

The big difference in both cases is that in the case of the entrepreneur, when it is from his first experiences, he tends to make this a slow and painful process. Sometimes, it's simply easier to finish or sell as soon as possible, save what you can and restart faster. Some recommend it. The most difficult thing is to detect and be adept at identifying the moment to take that step. When a job is lost the hit is usually cold, sudden and without anesthesia.

Now ¿is it really starting over in either case, as an employee or as an entrepreneur? The most plausible truth is that no, it's not starting again. But it could be. I'll try to explain the difference. (Keep reading below).

Anyone with professional behavior in any field, entrepreneur, employee, independent or investor, would not have to start over in any situation, whether bankruptcy or job loss. To never start over you have to prepare and be consistent with a couple of things.

First, dig deeper into your strong area every day. We can all have 2 or 3 strong areas. That is, they are activities that because of the level of passion and taste with which we do them we tend to do them better than others and improve them over time and we do not need to be paid to want to do them. By way of example I tell you that in my particular case I have 2 strong areas: enterpreneurship and investment in stock and options markets. The first I have a lot oriented in the work I do outwards, the second I have used it so far especially for personal consumption and my inner circle. I also have two "support" areas, teaching and economics. They are areas in which I can perform well professionally and that I enjoy doing, although in them I find it difficult to stand out gladly for long periods of time and in some cases I would not do them if I did not get paid for it.

So, you have to intentionally delve into the strong areas every day, learning, knowing, talking, applying to expand your strength, expand it, be more relevant to it. Such knowledge and expertise is not transferable to any event, bankruptcy or unemployment. We've always put that in our brains. If we work well, every day will be bigger and we will be more relevant in our environment. With all that expert knowledge, so you can go through any of these events, it will never be like starting from scratch.

Second, we have to reflect every day. Daily reflection is an exercise that allows every day not to pass in vain. Every day brings our own learning, we live so many things in a day and if we reflect on it we will surely find or fall aware of countless lessons. Lessons about our emotions or thoughts, relationships with others that may be family or friends, or in the form of leadership in or out of the company. We can't let our lives go unnoticed. Every day brings at least valuable learning. We need to reflect on it and consciously incorporate it into our lessons learned file in our brain. It is very different to have experience of 25 years than to have the experience of a year 25 times. The difference is made by daily reflection.

Just as advancing in our strong area every day makes us more relevant in our field of action, daily reflection allows us to become wiser in life and does not allow us to make the same mistakes and enhance our projection, life and influence in others. Likewise, all this information is stored in our brains and cannot be removed from us even when the worst external event comes. We'd never start over completely. We'd have a lot of accumulated wisdom by then.

So starting over is more of a fear than a reality if we've consciously worked on the two areas and activities I mentioned above. If we haven't done it before it doesn't matter, from today the account begins!

If you are an entrepreneur who is rising again, if you are starting your first venture or you are in a career transition and want to execute a project, I invite you to this free webinar "4 Steps to become a professional entrepreneur" next Thursday, December 9 at 7:30 am Central America, 8:30 am Bogotá. To register follow this link. This webinar will be held only in Spanish.

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