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Reach forward

Philippians 3:14: "Brothers, I do not consider myself to have already taken hold of it; but one thing I do, forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead."


Every day is an opportunity to reach forward and let go or detach yourself from what has already happened, whether good or bad. Thinking and spending energy on the past makes little sense when you really need it for your present and future. The past is a closed case from which only learning can be rescued.

That future needs energy to achieve dreams, make plans, carry out activities with discipline and excellence. It is important to know what future we want in order to reach out to it. Life may have played tricks on us, knocked down our plans and decimated our strength.

Also, when everything changes so quickly and there is so much uncertainty, it can seem overwhelming to have a dream and plan with so many external factors against it. But there is always something that is under our control and complete dependence and that is where we put our energy. To identify it, a good level of self-knowledge may be necessary.

What if, despite looking to the future, we get stuck in the past? We try again and again and we keep slipping. In these cases, we have to reflect on the fact that we have not yet learned from this situation, because at this moment we need to learn to overcome the obstacle. Normally we know what to do but we look for excuses or warm water bandages. We have to have courage and act. Applying the lessons of the past is essential to extending to the future. In other words, I don't just let go of the past, I also use it as an input for learning that is necessary to advance to the future.

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