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Mastering the art of endorphin production

Endorphins are a neurotransmitter, hormone, molecule or endogenous opiate with a great impact on our state of mind. They are released when the brain interprets signals of enjoyment. The effect of endorphins is similar to some drugs, such as morphine. Both of them create relaxation and a certain feeling of happiness. They also dilate your pupils. However, endorphins do not generate any side effects like other drugs. The more you produce, the more you will consume. If we could master the art of producing endorphins for self-consumption, we would have a more relaxed and happy life. To clarify, the human body is the only one capable of producing endorphins. There is no synthetic production of this molecule. Therefore, I am going to give three clues for a greater production and release of endorphins.

The first clue to mastering the art of producing endorphins is within everyone's reach. If we have ever seen someone's eyes shine more than usual, that is most likely due to the production of endorphins, especially if the mood is one of joy, relaxation or well-being. Our eyes also shine when we are learning and enjoy ourselves in that process, whether on our own or in a classroom. Our eyes shine because our pupils are dilated. This means that if we identify these moments in others, they are very likely replicable in ourselves (modeling technique). In contrast to endorphins, adrenaline also dilates the pupils to increase visual acuity as part of the human fight-flight response cycle.

The second clue, and perhaps the most important of the three clues I am giving, consists of mastering the power to live in the present and take advantage of the now without the interference of past burdens such as anger, frustration, resentment, bitterness, sadness or nostalgia; and without the interference of future anxiety due to uncertainty, economic crisis, conspiracy, overpopulation, lack of food and so on. When these timeless windows are opened, that is, without the presence of the past or the future, the possibility opens up for you to give your entire being to that moment and then you can fully enjoy it.

When you fully enjoy any activity, endorphins are produced. Activities related to these moments moments are the practice of extreme sports, sexual intimacy with true dedication, learning in the area of passion, and serving in the area of ​passion, there are many more. If we could convert the greatest amount of time into moments of total surrender of the being to the present, we are increasing the production and consumption of endorphins.

The third tip is useful to change your state of mind, especially if you are feeling bad, passive or lazy. It is about following the happiness tips recommended by the Harvard Business School. Put them into practice as often as possible. The more they serve you or the more you use them, the better. You and everyone around you will benefit. These tips are:

  1. Do an exercise that you enjoy, at least 25 minutes a day every day.

  2. Eat breakfast and do it calmly.

  3. Be grateful.

  4. Be assertive.

  5. Spend money on experiences, not on things.

  6. Face your challenges. Always be the protagonist of your life, never a victim.

  7. Have nice photos or phrases of loved ones everywhere.

  8. Always say hello and be kind.

  9. Listen to music that you like, dance and sing.

  10. Take care of your posture.

  11. Accept failure and pain, learn from them.

  12. Eat well.

  13. Get dressed up and feel attractive.

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