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Achieving high performance

Updated: Dec 18, 2021

Many leaders, organizations and individuals face the challenge of maintaining high levels of performance, or suddenly believe they have already reached a good level but want to go further. While it is true that it is not strange for anyone to have any periods of high performance, something much more complicated is to keep it high indefinitely. That is, that high performance is a natural form of behavior of both the organization and the people. To achieve this many pieces must fall into place.

The challenge for organizations and person lies with people's skills and abilities. Now, it would be impossible to achieve it for an organization if it has not been achieved for people, first things first. One thing that can be considered curious or novel in this whole approach is that to achieve this it does not depend much on the level of knowledge of those involved. It depends more on the level of commitment and decision of each and every one to lead a better life. Yes, a certain decision to lead a full and fulfilling life in all its aspects, not only circumscribed in the job or work environment.

A fundamental principle of any personal development or organizational initiative we use a lot at Sinapzys is that no one can give what they don't have. So, if we're looking for high performance from others, then high performance must be behavior in ourselves, okay? And for this reason to get to perform high at the level of an organization naturally we must have it at the level of its people.

High-performance behavior, i.e. maintaining results that add important value to the strategy or personal plan day after day logically and intentionally, is intimately linked to the development of two competencies that are: 1) automotive or vital energy, and 2) life management. Of course, developing each of these competencies requires some knowledge, time, decision and a lot of intent.

The theme of self- automotive and vital energy I touched it with some depth in my blog of February 12, 2021: Breathing and a good bath. I recommend your complete reading. Proper management of automotive or vital energy is the basic input for achieving high performance. Every breakthrough we make in improving our vital energy supply will have an immediate and compound effect over time. The logical sequence of this behavior is simple, at more energy, greater production of results per unit of time. The main sources of vital energy and automotive organized in the upward direction are ten: food, sleep, exercise, breathing, meditation, full dedication in the intimacy of a couple, environment, attitude, money well earned, meaning and purpose of life. Each of these sources deserves its proper understanding and self-management. Also, dozens of entire books have been written on each of them. Knowing how to select the most important or having a high-performance coach who orients you in this regard will help you move forward more effectively in this area.

Life management, well above time management, is the other part that deserves our attention to advance high personal performance. Analyzed in summary, the main areas of life could be gathered in five, although they may be more according to some personal preferences. In this case, they would be: physical health, spiritual/emotional health, family, friends, and work. None of them are more important than the others. One of them that is malfunctioning can pull us like a black hole the others; in the same way, one that is working very well, can help us get the others up. Now, the exclusive dedication to one of them can cause others to suffer and create problems for life. The healthiest thing is that all of them are at similar levels and always advancing in their development to never stop it. This needs to be managed and intentional about it. It doesn't happen automatically!

Having awareness and development in these areas in each person is important to achieve high organizational performance. At the outset adoption will start at about 20% to 80%. The last 20% will hardly adopt this change according to the Paretto Rule.

In an organization, leaders need to understand the previous process in which all people, including them, are advancing to start working organizational goals. And this is when leaders turn the ability to communicate intimately with each of their followers into an intangible asset critical to the organization. Effective assertive communication begins with knowing how to listen while keeping your mouth shut. Knowing how to listen is the foundation of genuine leadership. Knowing how to listen, give yourself the time to do so and respond according to what you have heard is essential to generate good communication, empathy, and as a consequence you qualify for trust. Trust is a deposit that the follower makes in the leader, it is a deposit that can be withdrawn, as in the bank. By achieving trust, it is possible to have influence and leadership is influence, no more, no less. So says John Maxwell, the world's leading leadership teacher.

As a result, organizations that have leaders who gain influence in high-performing people become high-performing organizations. High performance is a result, it is a behavior that occurs as a result of knowing how to manage the key points, it is life for people and the organization. Voila!

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