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How to grow your value forever?

Everything we focus on grows. Everything starts with a thought that generates a feeling, which generates an action in response. Our continued actions generate behaviors that later become habits. The set of habits create character and personality and from there come our results, for better or worse.

The basis of thoughts are the imprints of childhood, family beliefs, values, results of the blows or successes of life and learning. Of the above, we have complete control over learning and that is enough to modify the chain of causal relationships that I have just detailed, both backwards and forwards. Beyond that, learning can be considered an effective tool to perform the necessary surgery from the conscious to the unconscious. Of course, we must be intentional for it to be a successful surgery.

The potential of learning is immense for almost anyone today. Taking learning to tangible results for a meaningful life is something much rarer, which should not be, and this motivates me to write about this topic. Given its immensity, learning must focus on only two areas: the area related to your life purpose and the area for your personal growth and development. In these areas you must never stop learning!

These two areas complement each other, because as we fulfill this purpose in life, personal development teaches us how to enjoy this journey alongside the people we love, being able to bring all that positive energy to as many people as possible. On the end, the world needs us in our purpose. This whole process involves freeing ourselves from so much human selfishness, and to give ourselves to others, whether or not money is involved. This constitutes a powerful secret to revitalize anyone shifting her way into a path of a more rewarding life.

Getting back to it, learning must be focused. Learning related to the purpose of life, where and how does it begin? ...well, first you have to be clear about your purpose or be working to find out what it is. By working on it, you are simplifying out of distractions and avoiding bad decisions that lead nowhere. Many say that human beings have two important days in their life, the day they were born and the day they know why? The first, almost everyone is successful and is given to us. For the second, everyone has his answer. From experience, I have seen that in this area there is a great void. The purpose of life is almost always identified as a temporary objective. For example: get a master's degree, do well at work, take care of a sick person, raise and educate your children, and support the family, among others. Some of these objectives may make a lot of sense at the time but they are not a purpose of life, although they can temporarily be part of a real purpose of life.

The well-worked purpose is the essence or extract of the combination between the mission, vocation, profession and passion of each person. This can be a guided work or also "googled", undoubtedly very important for everyone. By advancing in this work we are honoring and giving value to our own life. Given its great importance, we have designed a free Ebook and a paid Course (click here for information on the free Ebook and the paid Course) for those who wnat to reach forward. By advancing on our life purpose, the main source of vital energy and self-motivation gets strengthened.

By having greater clarity about our life purpose, we will know what areas of learning make sense. Thus, we will become recognized specialists in that area to the same extent that we share it and let everyone to benefit from it. Given the energy and passion we do it with, it becomes contagious. That is the beauty of it. "How it is said" is more important than "What it is said," that big difference is the vast energy that comes from being in your life purpose.

Intentionally seeking to be good at something we are passionate about and being able to share it with others so passionately that some or many will want to pay for it, will bring you recognition, joy and fulfillment. Recognition begins from the moment it touches the first person, it does not have to be many or money involved. Recognition begins there. At that precise moment, the self-esteem of the beholder begins to strengthen in an accelerated manner. This self-esteem leads to greater empowerment and more energy to continue doing it but now with greater determination and effort, building a virtuous circle of development and growth.

A healthy self-esteem and empowerment lead a person to believe she can achieve greater things. Now aware of the force from within she is carrying. This transforms her social positioning and self-awareness realizing themselves as a more important part of the family and society. Being intentional in continuous learning about their life purpose and personal development will end up increasing her influence and leadership over time. As a result, she will be able to stay in an upward spiral that becomes wider and grows faster given the compound effect that all these actions have.

A person with healthy self-esteem and empowerment benefits from a variety of facts. She is a busy, passionate, confident person, she has little interest in getting involved in matters that do not concern her, she is always generating value, she shares her value, she communicates well, she relates well, she is satisfied with herself and her environment, she admires and applauds the progress of others, she competes above all with herself and not others, and she is very competitive in her field. Who does not want to be in that high-value zone?

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