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Get exposure and move on!

Updated: Dec 18, 2021

One of the greatest fears that human beings face is making a fool of themselves in public, being ashamed and that others will notice. However, we have all passed through and surely we all have more than one unforgettable anecdote about it. In my case, when I was a university student I had a few more drinks at the faculty party and for reason I decided to interrupt it and start speaking into the microphone to the whole audience. What an embarrassment! I smile when I remember it but I still feel a chill. Of course, exposing oneself in this way may be meaningless and is explained only by the impulses typical of youth. These types of exhibitions are better known as "blunders". If possible, avoid or enjoy them.

Nevertheless, there are desirable and important ways in which we should expose ourselves to seek and enjoy personal growth and our ability to better serve others. This exposure also involves public risk. Unlike the "blunder", intelligent exposure derives a huge benefit for the one who does it. Let's get into context: at some point in our lives we may feel trapped and we do not find where to move forward.

We ourselves, for some estrange reason decide to stop, or unconsciously we are fearing the next step. These moments may come after one or several major life changes like a financial breakdown, a family breakdown, or who knows what else, etc. Moments in which we prefer to cover ourselves instead of going out to conquer our territory. At that moment we have let the environment to change us, including the perception of ourselves, the way we feel and see things.

The antidote to breaking this negative cycle is to expose yourself again. By exposing ourselves intelligently we are facing the fear that the past situation left us, we are overcoming it and we are getting bigger than it. This exhibition once again generates empowerment. Empowerment is feeling bigger and more capable inside while your own fears and problems get smaller. At this particular moment you are renewing your energy, your frequency and vibrations and you are advancing towards a state and leaving behind the previous one.

Let's delve deeper into an intelligent exposition, which by concept is something that is done in front of others. It comes in personal size to everyone. It is linked to that called to serve that everyone has in life, to the purpose of life, to the strengths each one has, activities that you really like and you are aware how good you are at it, it is something you have to offer others, your passion! We all have between 1 to 3 areas of strength. In my case, being an entrepreneur is clearly the most important. From there I can find a couple more that are my taste for and the practice in the financial markets and my joy for writing. If I am to expose myself, let it be bringing courage through these areas to others. Given the passion and my joy for them, insisting and with continuous learning I will be able to make a difference in the audience to which I address my efforts. This works for everyone. There are not two people equal in this world, so you have no competition to serve others with what you have got.

Once the first step is taken, progress continues on the same basis by making the necessary adjustments. Exposure can also be given when starting a personal project or new challenges in your workplace. It can be starting to send resumes or training in a topic you have wanted. Even, moving country or ending a relationship that did not suit him, or the complete opposite. Everyone has to take their own step in their own right measure. It's a step of faith! Your instinct or intuition has little margin for error, don't forget. Intuition is the combination of emotional memory with knowledge.

Don't wait any longer, taking action is key. The recipe is the exposition:

  1. What is that decision that you have been putting off?What is your strong area?Will you be able to grow from it?

  2. Define what you are going to do no matter how small it is and do it, let everyone know.

  3. Repeat step 1 and 2 forever. Now tell me what will be your next step?

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