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Breathing and a good bath

Updated: Dec 18, 2021

Every time I touch on the subject of vital energy and self- automotive I shudder a little and suddenly a little more than before. Especially since I am aware that our development potential, that of all, goes through the practical ability to manage these two concepts. Some are given naturally, but it's not normal. I also know how limited a person may be unconsciously when he or she is missing out on a better life because they do not know about this type of management. I'm a witness to that.

We must all know that personal development goes far beyond what we learn at home with our parents, school or university. Until we left college, personal development began to be our responsibility, before we had it delegated to parents and teachers primarily. And the system is not interested in executing concrete actions to develop people, it really has other priorities. What I mean is that our personal development is our own responsibility.

Personal development goes far beyond formal education or also called hard skills. It encompasses the development of emotional skills or skills known as emotional intelligence, including vital energy management and self-automotive. In general, we all hear about this issue at some point and we may not give it the importance or we don't need to give it to a certain amount. Well, actually, we tend not to miss things in life until we do not have them anymore. The popular saying that says "no one knows what he has until is gone" applies in this case. Many of us come to seek help until we are sick, unproductive, or our lives are meaningless. Many of us get this moment when a deep duel unexpectedly crosses our lives. Everything was going very well and suddenly the phone rings or you are invited to go into the room to talk or live presence it. It only takes life 10 minutes to radically change. Are we prepared for those changes?

A deep duel takes time in its recovery, it shouldn't be two years. I know people who have been in this situation for 35 years, there are already other related problems here as dependencies, self-esteem, self-value, self-image, meaning and purpose of life are torn from two to a thousand pieces in situations like this. Rebuilding all this requires a lot of energy and self-automotive. So, to mention the most dramatic cases; however, it extends to overcoming the common challenges and problems of life that can corner us. The challenges of daily living are not despicable, many become experts in solving them and others are decimated. To be in the first group I can give you a recommendation, excellence. Excellence is a soft competition that can be developed. The habit of excellence is positive in his essence and allows anyone to enjoy what he does, that is, it will never overwhelm him.

I give you all the above context because I want to make it clear that to overcome deep blows or duels in life, daily challenges and be excellent, everything deserves management of our vital energy and self- automotive; if we don't, we can skate for many years in the attempt.

Traditional sources of vital energy and self-service are three, food, sleep and exercise. If we manage these three sources well we are doing an excellent job and it will be easier to manage the other six sources that I call non-traditional, which we surely also know and have heard about them. Today I want to share them in an orderly manner in the following graphic.

The valuable thing about the chart above is that it shows the order in which each of the sources generates its valuable input for us. The proportions shown are an approximation and also vary some bit between person to person. But it's a pretty good approximation of reality and it's a mirror that helps us diagnose our situation. Jurgen Klaric, a recognized author and lecturer, uses this information a lot and has been improving it over time naturally. Here I show you a logical, graphic and geometric adaptation of my own.

The non-traditional sources of energy and automotive in an upward way are meditation or mindfulness, full dedication in couple intimacy, environment, attitude, money well earned, and meaning and purpose of life. For example, if we are clear about our meaning and purpose of life, we have an energy locomotive in our favor. And if we don't have it, our production will be diminished. If we are aware and manage only traditional sources we have a lot of potential to grow from.

So I invite everyone to be aware of all these sources of energy and self-automotive. It is clear that this is the first step to then be able to manage them until each one of them gives us its maximum. If you have them all working for you, your results will improve considerably and you will be making progress in developing and harnessing their potential. Traditional sources are about 11.1% of the total, there is much to take advantage of.

And finally, never despise the effect of good breathing and a good bath, water bath I meant, in the life energy management matrix. In practice, knowing how to breathe and do breathing exercises can bring you a lot of energy. I recommend your apprenticeship and management. And you certainly have to bathe, if you don't believe me, evaluate your behavior on the days you bathe in respect of those who don't and draw conclusions. They're going to look like two different people, the amazing thing is that it's the same.

From each energy source and its management you can write books full of knowledge and experiences, and there are. There is always a start and this could be yours!

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